About Us
The South Dakota Association of Towns and Townships was organized in 1980 and was officially incorporated on the 8th day of February 1981 as the South Dakota Association of Townships. A resolution passed at the 1987 annual meeting welcomed small towns into the organization and the association became The South Dakota Association of Towns and Townships.
In 2019, 663 townships and 76 small towns were members of SDATAT, working together to be a strong voice for local government in South Dakota.
Click here to see a map of townships in South Dakota.
SDATAT provides educational and informational resources to the member towns and townships. Included in these resources are the Township Officers Manual and several publications designed with small towns in mind.
SDATAT has registered lobbyists in the South Dakota Legislature and provides a legislative newsletter during the session for those who request it. A newsletter is printed quarterly and is used to bring pertinent information to local governments in South Dakota.
The association is governed by a Board of Directors.
The office of the South Dakota Association is located 351 Wisconsin SW, Huron, South Dakota.